In a stroke of genius, Noam Chomsky rewrote the existing structural grammars of the natural languages. For Chomsky at that time, mixing up the symptom and the real amounted to declaring that language is an organ. Jacques Lacan's Seminar on Le sinthome expresses his eagerness to articulate language with the living being on the basis of the hole. On one side lies Chomsky's path, which was to lead to the proliferation of organs, and on the other side lies Lacan's. So, on one side there is the James Joyce/Lacan pole, on the other the Chomsky pole. For Lacan, the body is not kitted out with these strange, modularised organs, it is kitted out with the sinthome. Lacan qualifies the relationship between the body and the organs as "detachable". Joyce is the one who manages to create a drifting trajectory of the drive.