Most relevant, I have managed to finish your poem. I will bring it to the (hush, hush and on the QT) hospital, love judithgracielivesinabucket x My finger. Your toe. A pebble. Never doubt. Cx ….…. ….…. ….…. Oh dear. Oh dear. The kitchen closed. No cup of tea and they made me wait for more than an hour for pain relief and a bed pan and all other indignities to which flesh is heir etc, etc and I had to have a row with the nurse and I cried and. and. And. But. Well. So. (as my sensai Claire would have and did say). But I’m all right now, baby it’s an a-l-r-i-ght now. And we are AMAZING and you looked too beautiful for worlds today and that made my soul soar. Sleep the sleep of the good honest sinners, darlingest. Love (shhhhhhh whisper only to the baby mice that scutter in your skirting boards) itwouldappearthat judithgraciereallydoeslivehere xxxxxxxx Judith. You are in my hand. Cx Thank you so. Oh so, my Claire. I think you are an angel not very heavily disguised, judithmutilategra- ciefallsasleepinherbucketwithadonkeysmileuponher- bustedbust x No cause. No cause. Sparkle, you do. Yoda syntax. Cx 35Particle wavelengths. Special silver PARTICLE wavelengths. The finest filigree silver threads woven across the intergalactic way of nut, love judithgra- cieonthecaseofspace x ….…. ….…. ….…. Claire. Oh Claire. I need the touch of your mind by text. I am adrift in hostile waters with no instruments. Pray. In earnest, jx All my soul is with you. Darling. Their breakdown has already happened. Put it away from you, if you can. Your silver strands are all still there, shimmering across the darkness of the void. And judith Gracie is your wonderful name. Cx ….…. ….…. ….…. Oh. Oh. Oh. It won’t do. Fuckerama. As my sensai, guru, master, professor, philosopher, Claire, has been heard to observe on occasion. Under the painted porch on Mondays, or the bodhi tree on Tuesdays. Strolling along Eleatic shores every second Sunday … and in a shaded corner of the agora on Wednesdays and Fridays. Today, which is the day after what was the yesterday, they have instituted a new policy in the hospital that gives nurses the authority to eject those visitors who are a danger to the patient whom they are (what is called) visiting (!?). Too late for me. Eheu. Alack. Aiee, aiee – jx 36Do not forgive them, for they know exactly what they do. Ah, the rain it raineth every day …Cx Raineth!?! pelteth/smiteth/blasteth/battereth/ striketh/bombardeth/assaileth/hurleth and all other verbeths of violent assault: - love judithgracie’sexistentialcontinuityhangsinthebala nceinherbatteredbucket xxxxx And another thing. They don’t like it up ‘em. Cx I LOVE you, Claire. At such a volume that all the neighbours are complaining about the noise and I have not even opened my mouth … yet, jx Dear heart. Your mind when I hear it speak to mine makes me laugh. When the only jokes are utterly appalling. Cx ….…. ….…. ….…. Home. With smokes and three gins in. And surely let us speak upon the morrow though I cannot guarantee that any recognizable language will come out of the mouth of judithgracieismynameandllivein- abucketofginandtonic xxxxxx Home. My loveliness. Oh what a colossal thing you have done, out on a planet of wild desolation with huge knives. I will very much want to speak in the morning. I love you woman. Cx 37I send this to inform you that judithgraciewholivesinabucketetc sent Bernard a drunken email about the Persians of Herodotus and she is not sure if she is even sorry. WHO can she think it is that she is???? I ask you? jx You honour Bernard with drunken email …he will know that. Cx “Raise high the roofbeam, carpenters. Like Ares comes the bridegroom, taller far than a tall man.” That’s you, that is - jx ….…. ….…. ….….