This chapter discusses the concepts of character resistance, transference resistance, superego resistance transference, countertransference, and multifoci core neurotic structure. In assessing the defensive pattern of the patient, the therapist should not only examine the level on which they operate, and the specific kind of verbal and non-verbal but he should also examine the degree to which they are automatic, chronic, satisfying or non-automatic, variable, and dissatisfying. The more the patient becomes aware of his perceptual generalization error and the more he starts to discriminate, the less he will allow his defensive battery to operate automatically and the more the character defences will crystallize in the transference. As Habib Davanloo speaks of superego resistance (SER), resistance against emotional closeness (REC), resistance against the experiencing of the impulse (REI), character and transference resistance, he suggests that these are to be classified as different types of resistance and that they should be differentiated from each other.