Based on Sigmund Freud's developmental study, the hysteric seems to enter the world scene before the obsessional, as the latter one arrives late when some primary libidinal relations already fell into place. Thank God for the hysterics, for without the hysterics there would not be psychoanalysis. The differences between the tonalities of their language, libidinal investments, object choices, subjective positions in relation to the Other, fantasy and desire, seem evident. These differences nevertheless made Jacques Lacan place the discourse of the obsessional in the vicinity of that of the hysteric, as he inscribed the former into the discourse of the latter. Lacan gave an algorithm of the discourse of the hysteric, consisting of four elements occupying four specific places. In the Lacanian sense, we could say that the hysteric responds to the signifier at the moment when it is repressed, occulted while showing itself in the symptom and in what is unbearable in the body.