A. Freud himself thought that female sexuality was a 'riddle'. Within the traditional psychoanalytical framework — that is, Freud's theories — perversion in males is viewed as the result of an unresolved Oedipus complex which has castration anxiety as its central and main component. The main feature of perversion is that, symbolically, the individual through her perverse action tries to conquer a tremendous fear of losing her mother. Baby girls as well as baby boys can be subjected to situations which may lead them, in adult life, into perverse attitudes or perversions. But women have the opportunity, when they become mothers, to perform perverting actions towards their babies. It is important to recognize that there is a difference between the everyday and psychoanalytical uses of the term 'perversion'. Male assumptions have made it difficult to understand some female behaviour, including female perversions, sometimes to the extent of denying all evidence that female perversions exist.