Schizophrenia is a psychiatric term, used when a person has symptoms that arise from extensive and severe disturbance in their thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and behaviour. People who have been diagnosed as having a schizotypal personality may also be self-absorbed and uncommunicative, to the point where their behaviour is thought of as eccentric. But an individual with this so-called personality disorder tends to have strange or unclear speech and hold bizarre and unrealistic beliefs. For this reason the disorder has been described as a mild form of schizophrenia. However, psychiatrists look for those that appear linked to disturbances in a person’s thoughts, emotions, movements, and behaviour. These disturbances can result in a wide range of symptoms, though often someone diagnosed with schizophrenia. A person may also use neologisms, words they have made up which are meaningless to someone else. Their speech may ramble from one topic to another, as if they were continuously being distracted.