Schizophrenia has been described as the most debilitating mental illness and, unfortunately for some individuals, the symptoms worsen over time. In 1994, the researchers C. M. Harding and J. H. Zahniser reviewed two decades of scientific studies into what they described as the “seven psychiatric myths” about people diagnosed with schizophrenia. These are families cause schizophrenia; all people with schizophrenia are the same; rehabilitation can be provided only after stabilisation of symptoms; psychotherapy is useless for people with schizophrenia; and people must be on medication all their lives. These also include People with schizophrenia hold only low level jobs and once a person with schizophrenia always a person with schizophrenia. While some myths about schizophrenia persist, outcome studies and personal accounts, indicate that many people’s symptoms improve, they continue to recover, and are able to move on with their lives.