Women have often been defined as mere objects and victims of oppression, deprived of power and subject to violence. Mother is often conceptualised as a subjugated victim or slave of patriarchal society. Female generativity may lead to intense envy of female reproductive body by both males and females. The female body may excite horror and fear of monsters. The mother who gave birth to us may even take our life or be a terrifying castrator of men. A woman’s ideals of “perfect motherhood” may be very demanding, blaming and shaming her if she does not fulfil them. They may be like a guiding compass and, simultaneously, a constricting corset that does not allow hate or aggressive thoughts. The myth of Medea is a tragic story about mother’s tyrannical power over her children. Medea, with her magical skills as a sorceress, is a supremely powerful woman. She had courage to leave Colchis, her fatherland, when she fell in love with Jason.