Recent theorising and research are bringing neurosciences and psychotherapy into a stimulating and promising contact from which both can hope to benefit. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences appeared in 1989, followed by the Decade of the Brain, the 1990s, during which there was an explosion of brain research, perhaps somewhat disorganised but nevertheless rich in potential. The neurosciences can furnish tools that allow an understanding of: how hermeneutic dialogue can modify the cognitive-affective-behavioural schemas that make up contact blockages; the nature of memories related to contact dilemmas; and the introjected micro-fields. In the perspective of object relational gestalt therapy (ORGT), therapeutic interactions are optimal when the therapist maintains fluidity in all three axes, namely reflexive, affective, and interactive, as the relation evolves through the tranferential, reality-based, and hermeneutic modes. An understanding of the neurodynamics of the Self in interaction can be a useful guide.