Actualpathology has been characterized as that group of disorders where the subject remains stuck in primary development: the Other doesn't answer, or failed to answer sufficiently. As a result, the initial (un)pleasure and anxiety, together with their somatic anxiety equivalents, persist in an unelaborated form. The resulting disorder centers on somatization and anxiety, accompanied by reactive avoidance behaviour. Oral-phallic sexuality is well known in hysteria; obsessional neurosis is typified by anal-phallic; scopic-phallic is quite common in perversion; while the invocative-phallic colors all of them. In addition, it should be emphasized that these are not exclusive relations: any phallicized partial drive can appear in any psychopathological structure, although in each certain ones will usually be preponderant. The hysterical subject is able to innovate; the obsessional subject has to attach itself to an immovable certainty (Freud 1978 [1907b]).