The epigenetic vicissitudes as determine the various psychopathological structural destinies. This chapter deals with the several alternatives and their relation to the various psychopathological destinies. The issue of anxiety appears during the processes of fixation of certain experiences, which will influence different structural destinations for different psychopathological conditions. The chapter explains the theoretical resources to articulate the epigenesis of anxiety to the psychic structuring process, incorporating Sigmund Freud's contributions in inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety to the rest of his contributions throughout his work. The signal anxiety is triggered by certain attitudes of the object that create in the ego experiences of amorous rejection and abandonment. The signal anxiety becomes neurotic anxiety framed in a psychoneurotic disposition. Anxiety, as a form of extreme suffering, bursts in when that precarious balance is overpowered by the hyper intense drive typical of puberty or by the disruption of the previous and precarious containment.