Joseph Aguayo asserts that Sigmund Freud’s focus on the neurotic is partly due to the split with Jung; thus, classical psychoanalysis tended to focus more on the neurotic’s relationship to reality while Carl Jung took up the study of psychosis more. In The Ego and the Id, Freud’s growing understanding of the nature of resistance led him to realise an unconscious component of the ego and Freud himself later said it is a fact that ego and conscious, repressed and unconscious, do not coincide. Freud used dream-work to describe the process by which an unconscious instinctual wish is disguised in order to be “smuggled” past the censor and achieve partial drive satisfaction; a view of dreaming in the service of the pleasure principle. In Beyond the Pleasure Principle, reflecting on the First World War, Freud would come to grips with the magnitude of human destructiveness.