Hildi Greenson writes in her notes that this paper was reworked and edited from taped transcript and that the subtitle, "Prevention and Survival" was added later by Greenson. Greenson anticipated a whole new theoretical movement in contemporary psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis. Life-span or life-cycle psychology, particularly with a new interest in adult development, has emerged as an important heuristic set of ideas and concepts in current behavioral science theory and clinical practice. Greenson integrated the stages in a coherent pattern of adult life and witnessed, It takes courage, honesty and modesty to grow old with joy and dignity. Sometime between the end of youth and before the menopause, in early middle age, usually between thirty-five to forty five, people go through a period of seriously examining the basic components of their life. Most people between the ages of forty-five and sixty go through a normal developmental phase which is called, in ordinary language, the change of life.