In Transformations, Wilfred Bion approaches the intuitions that will be presented as "catastrophic change and "transformations", "evolution" towards O, becoming oneself, and at-one-ment. In this new turn of his ideas, O designates an epistemological vertex: ultimate reality is unknowable. Investigating transformations, Bion took the example of the poppy field as a stimulus for the painter at one extreme, and, at the other, the painted picture. He did this to provide a model that could clarify an aspect or a part of the whole: the part that takes place in the artist's mind. Transformtions towards K are feared when they threaten the evolution of transformations towards O. From a clinical point of view, transformations of K towards O are special cases of transformation and of particular interest to the analyst, since they have the purpose of favouring mental growth and the patient's process of maturing.