Modern Psychoanalytic theory concurs with Sigmund Freud that transference to an object is unlikely when working with psychosis. A fragmented ego is at risk of lapsing into a psychotic state. To transform the pattern of self-attack, the analyst mines a cache of techniques that reflect a thoroughly Modern metapsychology, specifically designed to stimulate previously atrophied psychic growth. Modern Psychoanalysis has a particular perspective on the psyche that undergirds its unique technical interventions. The Modern analyst sees narcissism as existing on a continuum, with psychosis being its most extreme manifestation. In the private practice, the psychotic patient may make infrequent contact with the analyst, lost as they are in their own minds. The objective countertransference is understood to be the emotional reaction that the majority of people would have in response to a certain quality in a patient. Modern analysts have always understood the frame as something that is worked out between analyst and analysand.