The history of psychoanalysis could be viewed as the superimposition of an ideology on to a paradigm, followed by the overcoming of this ideology. Orthodox psychoanalysis eventually gained wide acceptance because the patriarchal character structure was widespread. The ideological defence of an established order is also evident in the writing of the history of psychoanalysis. P. Roazen, the historian of psychoanalysis, always made one fundamental point. The original history of psychoanalysis was written by Anna Freud himself, in order to put his stamp on it. When Freud changed his mind about trauma in 1897, he superimposed an ideology on to the paradigm. With regard to aggression, in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, Erich Fromm marshals impressive evidence from neurophysiology, animal behaviour, palaeontology, and anthropology to refute the “hydraulic” concept of innate aggressiveness of the “neo-instinctivists”, Freud and K. Z. Lorenz.