This chapter aims to evince the discursive incongruity between fascism and perversion. Jacques Lacan’s ideas in Seminar VII and “Kant with Sade” fuelled platitudinous views on perversion. Instead of reciting them, it would be more appropriate to isolate, for a while, Sade from this “perversology” and juxtapose his philosophical system to two other discursive systems: “Oedipalism” and “totalitarianism”. The chapter suggests that all three reflect subtle organizations of the discourse of the master. It argues that power has a symbolic hypostasis, in so far as it inheres to the sovereign phallic signifier. The chapter discusses the three systems, on the basis of law and language, as the crux that formalizes the relationships within each system. The pervert is dominated by the other, in as much as he serves the other’s jouissance, whereas the master seeks for domination of the other.