This part conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters. The part shows that the politicization of the notion of perversion benefits the masking of the very “perverse” structure of mastery in politics. The task of a psychoanalytic research would be to circumscribe and track down the manifestations of the real. A symbolizing act that will acknowledge “the real limits of the symbolic and will attempt to symbolically ‘institutionalize’ real lack” is the only way to approximate the void without turning it into the motive force behind the antagonisms that dwell in ideological fantasies. The part presents the term extra-ordinary subject, in contradistinction with the ordinary (neurotic) subject, who supposedly conforms harmoniously to the dominant socio-political dynamics. The role of disavowal is less to demarcate a deviant perverse structure and more to segregate the enjoyment hoarded in the non-representable real core of subjectivity.