In this chapter, the author presents his allusions to the notion of discourse were related to the theoretical framework that shaped the production of each narrative included in his critique. He analyses the logic of discourse as conceived by Jacques Lacan and its paradigmatic application into socio-political analysis by researchers such as Yannis Stavrakakis and E. Laclau. The author explores the notion of power and its implications for defining the fascist and the perverse position in discourse. He focuses on Michel Foucault’s theorization about discourse and power before developing a Lacanian conceptualization of the two interrelated notions. The author considers the fantasy of power, as far as it comprises a motive force for the subject who exercises power. The discursive constitution of power is manifested through its regulative control over the subject’s body and soul. According to Stavrakakis, “the object performs a symbolic function by promising an imaginary mastery of the impossible real”.