It seems that the most ancient constructions that have survived until now are contemporary to the appearance of the first rhythmic representations of the unison between human feelings and emotions and their constructive creativity. Similar, representations are found in the architecture that, through the sense of sight, transmits modularity, repetition, and symmetry. International style is a fundamental stage of architecture. Some of its supporters are important architects such as Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Alvar Aalto, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The modernists' attempt to erase the clues and the signs of the past from architecture, to radically break with it, and to deny every form of subjectivity, is a sort of therapeutic programme aiming at eliminating nineteenth-century dreariness in all its forms. It is fundamental to assess whether the past occurs in the present, that is, to understand how past events and experiences actually influence present life both actively and unconsciously.