One of the specific dimensions of the clinical approach is the consideration of the position and role of the clinician–researcher in relation to the observed subject. Since the creation of educational sciences in France in 1967, some university-based researchers in the discipline have contributed to the development of the psychoanalysis–education theme. A number of them are committed to using psychoanalytical knowledge to shed light on the unconscious dimension of pedagogical processes. There are many undeniable connections between psychoanalysis and pedagogy, particularly if one considers broader and “humanising” connotations of “education”. The programmes also very frequently contain courses in pedagogy, the history of education, educational ideologies and/or studies of educational systems and institutional approaches to teaching and evaluation. In 1908, the question of the application of psychoanalysis to pedagogy was posed for the first time by Sandor Ferenczi at the First International Congress of Psychoanalysis in Salzburg.