Psychoanalytic energy psychotherapy is the outcome of one psychoanalyst's encounter with the field known generically as 'energy psychology', which reveals how the conflicts and traumas active within the psyche are encoded as information within the body's energy system. Thought Field Therapy (TFT) reveals something else that is both crucially important and startling. TFT and its immediate derivatives work with the energy meridian system, as used in acupuncture. There are other approaches, such as Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and Seemorg Matrix, that work also with chakras. TAT and Seemorg are able to address deep patterns and roots of distress and maladaptive beliefs. Seemorg was conceived in a Jungian psychotherapist’s exposure to energy-based therapy and explores all the ways in which we become internally divided and disconnected from Self and from the source of life. Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy provides a window into the deep sources that give rise to the vicissitudes of emotional currents that flow through the mind.