The influence of toxins in creating psychological problems has been known for some time, for example, in the pioneering work of Doris Rapp in relation to hyperactive and disturbed children, and the report for the American Psychological Association by Travis et al. on environmental toxins. Dr Callahan prefers to speak of ‘individual energy toxins’, because they are often very specific to the individual. Individual energy toxins cannot be treated so easily or completely using Thought Field Therapy or other energy-based methods. They may be temporarily neutralised, using the Callahan ‘7 second’ technique, but permanent elimination of the reaction is more problematic. Toxins often form the basis of an addiction. It is now commonly recognised that people may crave substances that they are sensitive to. Stephen and Beth Daniel, the husband and wife team who developed Quantum Techniques, with backgrounds in clinical and educational psychology, have produced an excellent resource on energy treatment of ADD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.