Whilst there are many variants and complexities of energy psychology with its roots in applied kinesiology and the pioneering work of psychiatrist John Diamond and clinical psychologist Roger Callahan, it is possible to describe the essence of the approach rather simply and succinctly as follows. The psychodynamics and traumas of the mind are manifest also in the body's energy system, with its meridians, chakras and other traditionally recognised components. The target psychodynamic, cognitive, and traumatic contents of the mind-body-energy system have been identified and the resistances and disorganisations in the system have been cleared. Presenting problems may be underpinned by many specific experiences, traumas, conflicts, and other aspects. The energy psychology dimension provides an additional perspective and method for rapidly clearing emotional distress and the deep patterning in the psycho-somatic-energy system. The clear psychodynamics behind her presenting problem of lack of self-directed volition revolved around core conflicts relating to her autonomy and sense of identity.