From Eric Berne to R. Erskine to Michele Novellino and Carlo Moiso, there have been several classifications of strategic phases of therapy with Transactional Analysis. Several phases include First interviews, Contract and alliance, Returning control to the Adult, Restructuring the internal Parent, Listening to the Child and working on confusion liberating the Child from the demon and the Parent’s blackmail. The phases also include Consolidating boundaries accompanying the patient to choices free from the old script, supporting the patient during separation that is, leaving one’s home with best wishes from one’s parents. Sometimes the contract can be formulated in the first sessions, but it often requires longer elaboration. Formulating a contract is itself the result of an initial process of decontamination. A good contract is like an estimated budget or a work plan. The Parent introjected by those who experience strong anxiety or depression due to a sense of guilt is usually a rigid model, critical rather than protective.