This chapter utilizes composite case material taken from personal interactions with adolescent groups and individual clients to illustrate psychological factors existing on individual and collective levels. Theoretical views will be introduced from a Jungian perspective and linked to behavioural dynamics and interventions made. Concepts and experiential factors bring increased understanding of the role of the school avenger, and what transpires to constellate that role in the school field. Material that is usually held secret is revealed from the perspective of the adolescent, and interventions mentioned are those that help to contain the disavowed experiences, creating a place where they can be shared and processed. The individuation process calls upon us to recognize unconscious material that emerges through instinctive expression, impulses, projections, dreams, symptoms, and synchronicities. Archaic symbolism such as that found in art, dreams, and fantasies, are collective factors, as are basic instincts and basic forms of thinking and feeling.