Would have liked him to stay living working Coutançes didn’t appeal rationalised it as wanting to see other places unbeknown trust in seminary growing fondness experienced hate of them an unprecedented advance ignorance of feelings fear of aggression blinding him so time to move on. Leave-taking uneventful calmness generosity le petit séminaire staff children making a point of shaking his hand Père Robine thanked him for the work he’d done for the life of him couldn’t think what it was the look in Père Robine’s eyes pierced him

94 “Je parle au nom de tous les élèves et professeurs en disant … que … je vous remercie beaucoups pour votre contribution au petit séminaire. Je suis très heureux d’avoir fait votre connaissance, et fière de ce que nous avons fait ensemble.” 1

Undone thanked them an upbeat robot thanking its human host clambered into 2CV drove off relieved narrowly escaping an unpleasant fate. St Lô Carentan Valognes Cherbourg balmy July day free of confusion windows clipped up movement natural as anything he had ever done preferred the car to people was this blasphemy not a road sign he didn’t understand control on car he couldn’t operate (not many) shops crémeries cafés tabacs épiceries marchés fields tractors landmarks fertile part of France familiar as if home a first home a care home able to miss long after return to drab dirty England. 2CV battleship grey sailing a well-oiled sewing machine no need for dashboard just steering wheel gear lever pedals check petrol with thick notched bamboo in the tank a car could be dismantled in minutes like Meccano down to skeleton put back together as quickly true invention functionality versatility welded no car matched suspension smooth as a Rolls-Royce long journeys a pleasure cornering above thirty touch and go car leaned so far over people slid off canvas seats upright in a straight line fine. Booked air-lifting fly-eating monster plane middle class people took vehicles across the English Channel in front of the open-mouthed beast Jonah and the Whale. One other car for England that day—a Rolls-Royce! Duckling squatted behind massive bejewelled swan no envy the fact he had a car went perfectly gratified him more than he could have said not for status reasons it was something that worked like the Vespa the 2CV could take him anywhere 95the limit to freedom his imagination even he could see this.