This chapter focuses on neurotic subjects who have chosen to accept inscription into the phallic function. The importance of anatomy may appear reduced if psychoanalysts approach sex less in developmental terms and more in terms of jouissance and language. Jacques Lacan also postulated the existence of two sexes, corresponding to two “options for sexuated identification”, as man or as woman. Clinical experience shows that these two different inscriptions in the phallic function correspond to two different positions with regard to jouissance. The logical tool of quantification, borrowed from modern logic, enabled him to transcribe the degree of the mode of jouissance in relation to the phallic function. Psychoanalytic anatomy, therefore, is neither natural anatomy nor gender. It follows a logic that has three moments: firstly, that of the natural difference between the sexes; secondly, that of sexual discourse; and thirdly, the moment of choice of sex for the subject, which is sexuation proper.