This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents the Congress of the International Psycho-Analytical Association held in London in 1975. It examines the ways in which the femininity of the man as well as that of the woman plays a determining role in psychoanalytic practice. The book considers the psychoanalytic situation as an analogy on of the oedipal triangle. The analysand is offered a womb in which to regress, but the psychoanalytic framework is there to set limits to the regression in the same way the father separates the child from its mother. The book deals with a category of female patients whose ties of love with their mothers have been threatened early in their lives. It also examines the case of a patient with important creative capacities who, from the very outset of the analysis, demonstrated a transference love that was both affectionate and sensual.