Sluzki reminds us that living in society requires the construction of an identity characterised, among other things, by a selection of behaviours that should avoid the emergence of unpleasant social emotions in the subject and in others, and should maximise instead the emergence of pleasant social emotions. In this context, Carlos asks us—in an endnote—to reflect on the notion of the social construction of the "self" and on its corollary, labelling theory. It is worth remembering, at this point, that, to Aulagnier, a close follower of Freud, the path to identity is a continual process influenced by all meaningful bonds that persists throughout life. This chapter develops the classic conception of the subject which a faulty comprehension of the theory freezes in a "ready made" post-Oedipal subject ruled exclusively by his relationship with his early internal objects. The model highlighted by Carlos was always present in psychoanalysis.