When Hitler rose to power, he personified an omnipotent ideal who had ultimate authority and promised his followers, like other tyrants, a paradisiacal return to a pure state in which there would be no strife, no deprivation, and racial supremacy that ensured no enemies. There is a striking similarity in the mentality that lies behind much of the spread of Aids. At its most extreme, French radio reported a recent phenomenon of sex parties in which healthy people come together with Aids carriers for sex. Aids organisations across Europe are up in arms, criticising the campaign on the grounds that it can only further stigmatise Aids sufferers. The sexual intercourse that may be mistaken for love is in fact imbued with a disregard and hatred of the “other” and oneself. If some of the sexual partners are caught in the crossfire of unprotected sex, they become martyrs to the cause at least at an unconscious level.