Leading the trend at the hard end are the glamour models. These are young women who pose semi-naked for men’s magazines, fashion shows, sports events, corporate events, television chat shows, and the list goes on. While many of the young women, such as sixth-formers, whom Walter cites boast double figures of the sex they have had with different men, the would-be glamour models will also admit that what is most important to them is their careers. Glamour modelling is seen as the first step towards stardom. For the glamour model, her body becomes a fetishistic object, imbued with all of the ingredients of a love object but with the added advantage being that it is in her possession and, as such, within her control. The relation with camera/voyeur takes precedence over a relation with a real person, in this case a man. Casual sex can also be used to fuel the voyeuristic fantasy.