As the months wore on, Kay continued to have trouble connecting with other children her age or maintaining any type of meaningful relationships. She acted out aggressively and was bossy, manipulative, nasty, and extremely greedy both outside and in her analytic hour. Kay grandiosity and sense of entitlement did not reappear until termination when it got replayed but with an important difference. Seven-year old Kay was brought for treatment because of night terrors, bed-wetting, and impulsive aggressive behaviors towards adults, other children, and small animals. When Kay was an infant, her mother burned Kay’s esophagus by heating her bottle in a microwave oven. Kay witnessed domestic violence, and on multiple occasions, her father threatened to kill his wife and abduct his children. Kay needed to attend full day school. She was entering the fourth grade and it would be detrimental to her further development both academically and socially if she was not allowed to attend school like the other children.