Didier Anzieu claims that there is a system of basic traces or representations, the reference of which is tactile, concrete experience. With symbolic development, these representations will be the backdrop against which ulterior operations of thought are inscribed. As these tactile traces are denied and separated, though still maintained, the central idea is that they subsist in parallel with the representations mounted on them, thus configuring different levels of symbolisation. In this way, taking the Ego-skin as a starting point, an Ego capable of thinking and of representing can be formed, an Ego called the thinking-Ego. Anzieu (1995), taking as a basis the works of Claude Lévi-Strauss on myths and the growing complexity of the problems they treat, proposes five levels of symbolisation. These five levels will be described with reference to clinical situations in which they are brought to bear: Logic of sensible qualities, Logic of time and space, Relationship logic, Logic of time and movement, Abstract logic.