The unforeseeable outcomes of applying social dreaming to organizational systems are one characteristic of this openended process that stirs passions both for and against. This chapter invites associations and discussion from readers by describing a consultation to a major manufacturer of entertainment media—once a family business and a subsidiary of a large US-based entertainment conglomerate—through the social dreaming matrix that accompanied it. It introduces a series of births or timelines from which the parallel work of a social dreaming matrix and evolves an organizational consultation. The William Alanson White Institute study group continued their work in person and on-line until May 1995, at which point the group arranged to continue to meet on-line. The organizational consultation evolutions presented here are: the birth of a matrix, the history of the consultation, significant events of this applied social dreaming matrix, learning, conclusions and hypotheses. W. G. Lawrence noted that "social dreaming has a long past but a short history".