The “Heart of Dreaming” conference took place in September 2009. Soapy Bore is part of an Aboriginal community in Utopia, 350 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. At Soapy Bore, one notes, there is no individual ownership of land; rather, people belong to the “country”. The experience of wonder at the Soapy Bore Conference in 2009 and socioanalysis generally indicates that wonder is about the transformation of being, whether for an individual, group, community, or organisation. Socioanalysis is “the activity of exploration, consultancy, and action research which combines and synthesises methodologies and theories derived from psycho-analysis, group relations, social systems thinking, organisational behaviour and social dreaming”. The matrix in social dreaming is akin to a womb awaiting conception. Dreams, like semen, fertilise the matrix and, through associations and connections, shared meanings are grown. It leads to a different form of connection between people that are not hierarchic, but has an authority generated through shared meaning.