This chapter reviews signposts or markers to guide the reader through the change process and sharpen one's emotionally focused therapy (EFT) tools by discussing micro-markers of emotion, the heart of change in EFT. It also reviews markers to follow through the steps and stages of EFT. The chapter highlights the EFT therapist’s felt sense as the creative link between knowledge and creative competency. Micro-markers of implicit emotion are fleeting and easy to miss. They point to clients’ emotional experiencing that is frequently outside of conscious awareness. Traditionally, Inuit people have followed human-shaped stone sculptural markers for guidance in travel across the vast North American Arctic landscape. Therapists who seem to have a magical ability to tune into partners’ emotional experiences in the negative cycle are simply paying exquisite attention to non-verbal micro-processes. Emotion implicit in partners’ verbal reactions to danger cues is often hinted at in the words they use. EFT therapists listen to the leading edge of the words.