Addictive processes, initially considered a contraindication for couple therapy, are approached as an attachment related problem that, if acknowledged, can be worked with in emotionally focused therapy (EFT). Addiction is viewed in EFT as an attachment disorder and a disorder of emotion-regulation. Addictive processes can encompass a range of addictive behaviours, including substance use (alcohol and drugs) online gaming, and gambling. Affective neuroscientists claim that separation distress can promote addictive processes and depression and addictive processes to alleviate the pain of social loss can deplete the desire to seek connection and, in turn, promote depression. A positive incentive theory of addiction holds the view that addictive processes are motivated by a search for reward, stimulating the dopamine reward centres in the brain. Addiction is a disease of brain and motivation. Dysfunction in the brain circuits of reward leads to pathological pursuits for reward and/or relief.