This chapter focuses on the maternal perspective—the mother's mental representations and her own emotional contribution to the primary relational system. Pregnancy could be complicated by physical illness, disability, or multiple gestations. Needless to say, the risk of antenatal as well as post natal emotional disturbance is elevated by a psychiatric history or post traumatic stress disorder, but most studies stress the importance of some emotional support in boosting resilience in the face of adversity. Depending on the "emotional climate" of her inner world, a pregnant woman views her inmate as vulnerable or thriving, damaged or demanding, perfect or potentially harmful. "Contagious arousal" is further exacerbated by sleep deprivation, hormonal fluctuations, and disconcerting unpredictability, especially for mothers who receive little practical support and replenishment of their own emotional resources. The degree of commensurability of maternal and paternal orientations and ways in which they support each other or conflict alleviates or exacerbates post natal distress.