Supervisor have long-standing clinical psychoanalytic experience and psychoanalytic theoretical culture such as to enhance the candidate's capacity to visualize the clinical material from more viewpoints-in other words, to foster a non-eclectic pluralism strongly attached to Freudian theory and post-Freudian contributions. Another quality that a candidate should search for in a supervisor is somebody who is able to be outspoken and help the student to realize mistakes and explore his or her countertransference, inasmuch as self-reflection and self-analysis when in contact with the patient is part of the specificity of psychoanalysis. The priority given to the intra-psychic in his analysis will not only help the candidate to arrive at his own capacity for self-analysis, but also to recognize and differentiate the different levels in the hierarchy of communication in his training and later in his own consulting room. The author belives that the candidates should have the right to choose their supervisors within their own Institute.