A number of patients in training have written about their experiences. S. Blanton and A. Kardiner, both analysed by Sigmund Freud, and Dr Little, have each written important book-length accounts of their analyses. Others have written more briefly about their training psychoanalyses. Harry Guntrip described his two analyses with W. R. D. Fairbairn and D. W. Winnicott in a paper raising interesting questions about the therapeutic nature of psychoanalysis. So patients, or others, writing about the practice of psychoanalysis will be influenced, it is claimed, not only by their ignorance of the theories, but also by their own unconscious biases and resistances. Blanton published nothing about his more formal study when he returned to New York to continue training with Brill. Although he was in training with both Freud and Brill, and later became a training analyst, he was less sophisticated than the others.