This chapter offers a summary of case studies: Marie Cardinal and Rosie Alexander. Both had unsuccessful treatments for their conditions. In Marie’s case they were all physiological and inappropriate to the psychosomatic condition from which she suffered, as she knew intuitively, despite being shocked by her analyst’s affirmation of it. Despite his classical stance, Marie reported no basic interpretations of the instinctual drives, oral, anal, and phallic, although she made independent mention of penis envy, and of the anus and vagina in psychological terms. In Rosie’s case she correctly identified it as a psychological problem but failed to find a therapist who could understand it. Rosie left in distress, feeling that all her therapy had made her condition worse, which seems to be true. Her behaviour, particularly with Luc, her final therapist, was almost psychotic, and perhaps he unleashed in her the encapsulated psychosis that, before therapy, may have been contained, while leaving her feeling anxious in an undefined way.