This chapter outlines the practical steps a practitioner needs to take in order to conduct a Bilateral Affective Reprocessing of Thoughts (BART) psychotherapy and, ideally, peak performance session. A menu of possible patient responses is provided, as this approach will be new to both practitioner and patient or client. The whole process is made possible by the body of knowledge activator (BOKA) machine, which can be explained as the patient's body having the necessary knowledge. There is a detailed description of the ten hormones secreted by the pituitary gland and comparison is made to the beliefs of the thousand-petalled lotus of the crown chakra. It could be said that when the ten hormones are released, they cascade across the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and their effect is magnified ten times, giving direct equivalency to the thousand petals of the lotus flower associated with the crown chakra.