This chapter presents a study that indicates that of the one in thirteen children born prematurely in the UK, between one and six per cent will go on to develop severe psychiatric disorders. It explains how particular attention should be paid to assessing sensory and/or motor involvement of the twelve cranial nerves. All of the cranial nerves except the olfactory synapse with the brainstem. The chapter describes the use of the seven-element relaxation exercise and this can be interwoven into the session. Rossi has proposed a neuroscientific model of psychotherapy and applies to Bilateral Affective Reprocessing of Thoughts (BART) psychotherapy, showing the initial elevating of arousal, then deepening the therapeutic experience, followed by relaxation. The real time changes of genomics and proteomics are hypothesised to occur in parallel. Six hours of this trauma-focused therapy spread over three two-hour sessions can dramatically reduce the patient or client's impact of events scale scores and their associated subjective unit of distress score (SUDS).