Moliere’s play Amphitryon tells a story that presents origin and identity as being caught in an irreducible alterity from which no-one can ever really disentangle themselves. The story of Amphitryon takes place in Thebes, the city Oedipus thinks is not his own. Moliere’s Amphitryon muddles origins and identities to such an extent that one no longer knows who one is oneself. With Moliere’s Amphitryon one ends up completely disconcerted with regard to the question of identity, and of origin. In Amphitryon the feeling of disquiet is in fact present from the start, and continues throughout the play. It goes from one protagonist to the other, beginning with Sosie. There is of course Sosie’s encounter with that other self who is he, an encounter that leaves him in a state of perplexity about who he is, and if he is really the person he is.