The work of the Matrix mirrors the functioning of the mind!' says a participant at the end of Social Dreaming program, with a great deal of satisfaction at his discovery. Unconscious and conscious contents can be seen, multiple strands of dreams/thoughts/discourses coexisting simultaneously in the continuous waves that at times coalesce as particles. One way of regarding consciousness in relation to the unconscious is to imagine the world as psychic pond. Every Social Dreaming Matrix engages with how dream and reality relate to each other; how boundaries between the two can be crossed; and how one person can dream the dream of another person. The task of the Dream Reflection Group (DRG) is to identify themes and patterns which connect the dreams of the Matrix, in order to disclose the thinking of the dreams and what it reveals about the shared reality. The chapter provides the hypothesis that a culture of dependency, vulnerability and isolation facilitates the growth of totalitarianism.