The importance of intrapsychic interpretation became obvious to the author while researching the dynamic of "self-envy" in borderline structures, and this led him to attempt a brief description of self-envy. The condition of self-envy results from the interaction of different elements that conform to the Oedipus complex. There are at least two situations besides the dynamic of self-envy where intrapsychic interpretation could be very useful. In the first place, about the danger of a transference collusion in patients suffering from important perverse or paranoid psychopathology; in the second, those cases where there is a possibility of projections of superego aspects into the analyst and, as a consequence, the danger of the patient experiencing most of the interpretations as accusations. There is the intrapsychic interpretation for the purpose of dealing with superego projections, which usually induce persecution and guilt in patients with important melancholic features.