Khan, who has been referred to as Winnicott's "favourite son" and "heir apparent", had a close collaborative working relationship with Winnicott. He saw Winnicott's writing and thinking at most gestational stages and, in the literary transitional space in which it was formed— and where it is never clear who owns what—as Winnicott's editor he influenced the final shape taken by Winnicott's thinking when his books were published. All of Khan's articles in both his first 1974 and his second books—his best and most known works—mainly concern the unhealthy turns taken in the development of transitional phenomena with adult patients for whom the profile of environmental failure has special features. The third and fourth papers in The Privacy of the Self deal with Khan's concept of cumulative trauma, which profiles features of the adult schizoid character/false self pathology. Khan's work reflects Winnicott's influence. In 1974 he thanks Winnicott for helping him to write "Ego-ideal, Excitement and the Threat of Annihilation".