The great strength of scientific psychology in general and neuropsychology in particular, is that it considers the mind objectively. The mind is, after all, just a part of nature— it must somehow be reducible to lawful mechanisms that can be precisely defined in objective, third-person terms. All the achievements of scientific psychology derive from this. Especially in the case of neuropsychology, the fact that the mind can be literally objectified in the form of a physical organ is a great advantage. Studying mental mechanisms from the viewpoint of their physical basis in anatomy and physiology has enormous value from the natural– scientific standpoint, for it introduces into psychology all the possibilities of measurability and control that a physical science provides. The fleeting, fugitive stuff of the mind has always been an embarrassing handicap to scientifically minded psychologists. The great strength of scientific psychology in general and neuropsychology in particular, is that it considers the mind objectively.