Liberman's original investigation culminates with his proposal concerning interpretative styles. It spanned more than 25 years, starting with the publication of "Identificacion proyectiva y conflicto matrimonial", "Interpretacion correlativa entre relato y repeticion", and "Autismo transferencial". In La comunicacion en terapeutica psicoanalitica Liberman sets himself a great task—that of pouring the theory of the libido and of the points of fixation—which Freud and Abraham established in the first decades of the century—into the mould of the theory of communication, just as Ruesch proposed in his Disturbed Communication. The aspect of Liberman's thought, along his general line of investigation, begins by describing "an ideally plastic ego", which displays the six qualities or functions of the models of communication. Liberman indicates the importance of envy in the disturbance of communication in the patients, in the rupture and disintegration of communication and the relation of this situation to Melanie Klein's theory of the position.